My Love Goes Beyond Still Images
While still photography is where my passion began, video gives an added ability to share someone's story. Sitting with someone and letting them tell their story, while visuals to show their words form in my mind, is a strength of mine.
Telling Archbishop Perez's story is easy because he is a relatable man even though he is of an elevated and respected position. I listen to every word and take the time to make sure the b-roll lines up with the right moment and expression. I hope you feel who he is through his Vlog that I shoot and produce.
Telling Archbishop Perez's story is easy because he is a relatable man even though he is of an elevated and respected position. I listen to every word and take the time to make sure the b-roll lines up with the right moment and expression. I hope you feel who he is through his Vlog that I shoot and produce.